November 2023 Texas Standard Possession Order


Well, winter is here with a vengeance. It\’s going to make for an interesting Halloween for the kids, but that\’s not why we\’re here today. Today we are here to talk about the Texas Standard Possession order for November.


Alright, here\’s our look at the November, 2023 calendar. Let\’s start off with the Thursdays. We will have the Thursday, the 2nd, the 9th, the 16th, and the 30th are all the Thursdays that you would get this month. And you may have noticed that I skipped over Thursday the 23rd, which is Thanksgiving Day, the week of Thanksgiving. And there\’s a reason I did that, and that is because we know that holidays overwrite the weekend and the weekday periods of possession. So that Thursday disappears because it is a holiday period of possession. So, we don\’t count that 23rd as one of the Thursdays. And we\’re going to run across that here again in in a minute.


This month we have the first Friday of the month which is the 3rd. We will not have a third Friday of the month. And you say, well wait a minute, Chris. Yes, we do. There\’s a third Friday right there on the 17th. Same argument as before, the weekend periods of possession are overwritten by the holiday as we discussed above. Since Thanksgiving begins when the child is dismissed from school for the Thanksgiving holiday. That third Friday will be overwritten by the holiday period of possession. So technically the only weekend period of possession is the first Friday of the month. There is no fifth Friday of the month.


We have a holiday period of possession this Month, Thanksgiving. It is the non-custodial parent’s Thanksgiving this year. Everything I just said about the weekend above could potentially disappear and you could have a third Friday of the month if your child is not let out for the Monday and Tuesday prior to Thanksgiving. I think almost every single school district is out now, beginning on Friday the 17th, and they do not have school on the 20th, the 21st or the 22nd.

But if for some reason your child does go to school on the 20th or the 21st and your Thanksgiving holiday does not be begin until the 22nd or the 23rd, then there is a third Friday of the month because that\’s not a holiday, therefore it is not overwritten. You (non-custodial parent) would get the third Friday of the month, which is the 17th.

Have a happy Thanksgiving and we will speak again in December.

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