Hi, Chris Schmiedeke from Divorce Simplified. I hope everyone had a happy Halloween. Today, I wanted to talk about the standard possession order for November. This is a Texas standard possession order. Pretty standard month,...
Hello, everyone. Welcome to October and the standard possession order. It looks like we've got a pretty simple month, this week. One holiday, but it falls on an off weekend under the standard possession order. So we are just...
Hi, Chris Schmiedeke of Divorced Simplified. So the kids are back in school, and it's almost September, so where are we in the Standard Possession Order for Texas? So this is a pretty standard month in that we are not going...
Hi, I'm Chris Schmiedeke of Divorced Simplified, and rather than type out a blog post today on the summer possession or the end of the summer possession under a Texas standard possession order for August, I figured I'd do a...
July is upon us. Summer is here and so is the Texas heat! What important questions do we need to be answered for July and the Texas standard possession order?
Non Custodial Parent
If you are the parent who exercises standard...
June is here, and so is the summer. By the time you read this, most kids should be out of school. Some important notes to remember in a standard possession order in Texas: the weekend visitations continue throughout the summer;...
So it’s May 2020, let’s review the applicable weekend and weekday visitations under the Texas Standard Possession Order:
The non-custodial parent (the parent exercising visitation in the standard possession order) will...
What happens if my ex-spouse has COVID-19? Watch the video above to learn more.
“Hi, I’m Chris Schmiedeke of Divorce Simplified. We help clients simplify the divorce process. In this video I’m going...
Watch the video above to learn more about transfer provisions for child custody.
“Hi, I’m Chris Schmiedeke of Divorce Simplified. We help clients simplify the divorce process. All right, in my previous video, we...
Watch the video above to learn more about visitation and possession during COVID-19.
“Hi, I’m Chris Schmiedeke of Divorce Simplified. We help clients simplify the divorce process. I know there’s been a lot...